If you could choose money or happiness...
The answer seems obvious to some. At a practical level we all need money, but we cannot fully experience life without happiness, can we?...
Top tips to reduce stress
There is a series of videos simply explaining stress and tips to manage it. This is the first one. Managing the physical stress...
Life's Like That...
A few videos that amused me... and there is something about dreaming and daring here... Enjoy! #fruits
Thinking Crystal Clearly...
A few years ago, I was doing a Masters in Creative Writing but had a block during the dissertation, for which I only had a month left. I...
Attributed to: Bob DeWoody "I had to look up "paraprosdokian". Here is the definition: "Figure of speech in which the latter part of a...
Poem of the Month: 'I'm Nobody! Who are you? by Emily Dickinson
I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you -- Nobody -- Too? Then there's a pair of us! Don't tell! they'd advertise -- you know! How dreary...
Dear Ben Affleck...
We simply love you... even when you're a bit nerdy, you're inspirational... "I want to dedicate this to anyone else out there who's...
Rachel Elnaugh and 'Prosperity Consciousness'
Some client work I have done has been substantially about abundance. If the initial focus is only financial, we work through what that...
Reason and Emotion
I had to share this... #fruits